Day Five of Ten: My Favorite Blooms of 2010

Here is Day Five of my Ten Day Series on my favorite blooms of 2010.  Today, I'm focusing on the sublime silence of some daylilies.  These daylilies are graced with color that speaks volumes - on both ends of the spectrum.

H. 'Lee's Loss' is a delight. It has several qualities that I consider to be very attractive in a daylily bloom.

It has symmetry and grace, as well as balance of color.  It also has two wonderful focal points- a unique throat pattern/pleat and an ornate ruffle.  I like when daylilies have a focal point.  Sometimes its a striking eyezone, other times it may be a screaming green throat, but it is an outstanding characteristic of some sort.  This one was a favorite for me because I could always count on a very formal, very feminine, very perfect flower each time it was in bloom.

These next two really make me smile.  On the left, is the very distinctly formed H. 'Woman at the Well.'  I love the color combination and those swollen midribs.  On the right is H. 'Worthy One,' which not only was my favorite double this year, it also wins the award for most prolific.  I planted five fans last fall and there are 16 now.  It's a little scary how fast it multiplied - like Little Shop of Horrors scary.  The color is so grape and so sunfast.  These dark blooms held up to sun and rain wonderfully.

So far, I have listed the following hemerocallis cultivars for my 2010 favorites:

'Cinderella's Dark Side'
'Tempest in a Tutu'
'Ron Valente'
a Bob Faulkner seedling I call the "rainbow firefly"
'Leonard Sauter,'
'Raspberry Goosebumps'
'Eyes Right Jones'
'Lee's Loss'
'Woman at the Well'
'Worthy One'



Boäng said...

Lee´s Loss looks good! Wish we hade all the daylilies to choose from that you all have in the US ;) I have started to sow my own, seeds from the auction.
I write in Swedish but do have a look at the photos if you feel like it !
Best wishes
Anette, Sweden


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