Day Seven of Ten: My Favorite Blooms of 2010

For Day Seven, I'm adding H. 'Spacecoast Brazen Bandit' and H. 'Wild and Wonderful.'

These two daylilies make the list for their ability to withstand both extremes of summer - rain and sun. 

I won H. 'Spacecoast Brazen Bandit' during an auction after a presentation from John Kinnebrew, Jr. - the hybridizer of this daylily seen on the left.  I planted it in spring of 2009 and it did not bloom that summer, but OH MY did it make up for it this summer.  John Jr sent four fans to me and this summer it is six fans and all six put up scapes.  The scapes were taller than its registration and the blooms were more beautiful than anticipated.  I love it.

The second pick for today is H. 'Wild and Wonderful.'  I first saw this one win Best In Show at an exhibition show in southern Illinois several years ago.  Maybe I'll try to find a photo I took of that exhibit that day.  It was stunning and I still remember it today.  This flower displays a VERY waxy green throat punctuated with a deep raspberry eyezone on both the petals and the sepals.  The eyezone is a clear color, not muddy in the least.  I show it in the photo below next to Curt Hanson's Stout Silver Medal winning H. 'Primal Scream' to show off the red (and not orange) coloring of the eye.  Sometimes it's not so apparent how clear or how vivid a color is without a comparison, so there it is below!  It did grow a little shorter than registered this year, and I'm not sure why, but it was still a favorite for its consistent coloring.

I also added H. 'Wild and Wonderful' for those who have claimed I have a bias against unusual forms and/or spider daylilies. I do like those forms of daylilies, too, just not as much as I love the more formal, full-formed daylilies. (Don't hate me because I like "bagels.")

So far, I have listed the following hemerocallis cultivars for my 2010 favorites:

'Cinderella's Dark Side'   (Apps)
'Tempest in a Tutu'   (Owen, P.)
'Ron Valente'   (Moldovan)
a Bob Faulkner seedling I call the "rainbow firefly"
'Leonard Sauter,'   (Carpenter, J.)
'Raspberry Goosebumps'   (Polston)
'Eyes Right Jones'   (Wilkerson)
'Lee's Loss'   (Gates-Hansen)
'Woman at the Well'   (Emmerich)
'Worthy One'   (Wild)
'Northern Fancy'   (Stamile)
'Butterscotch and Ginger'   (Klehm)
'Spacecoast Brazen Bandit'   (Kinnebrew, J.)
'Wild and Wonderful'   (Stamile)



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