Day Three of Ten: My Favorite Blooms of 2010

Oh, goodness.  Today I'm showing you two of the most luscious things in the front garden.  These two blooms are photogenic,  prolific and profusely loved.  First is H. 'Leonard Sauter' (Carpenter, J. 1994.)  My friend Nicole and I saw this one at Leo Sharp's Brookwood Gardens last summer and neither of us could resist it.  It is a seriously clear, creamy pink.  It is such a beautiful color I wish I had another word other than "pink" to describe it because I know that some of you are put off by just the mention of the word "pink," but I promise this one deserves a spot in your garden.  It's tall, although registered at 22", the three scapes in my clump this year were all 29" or more.  The blooms are glistening porcelain and the throat is a unique, slicked-out golden green. (notice it in the photo on the left below...)  The throat is almost a completely different texture than the rest of the petals and sepals.

As with all the pictures on my blog, click on them to see them larger. 

I waited too long to add this next one to my collection.  It is the famous H. 'Raspberry Goosebumps' (Polston 2004.)  The bubbling, knobby edges scream out from the smooth, raspberry color of the petals.  I love the veining, I love the knobby edges, I love how it never hangs up and I love the contrasting coloration.  In my northern opinion, this is truly one of the most consistently highly edged cultivars in its class.

So far, I have listed the following hemerocallis cultivars for my 2010 favorites: 
'Cinderella's Dark Side'
'Tempest in a Tutu'
'Ron Valente'
a Bob Faulkner seedling I call the "rainbow firefly"
'Leonard Sauter,'
and 'Raspberry Goosebumps.'


Anonymous said...

Such nice pictures and descriptions! What is the name of the yellow and white daylily above next to 'Leonard Salter'?


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